Hello everyone,
the new Apertis 18.09.0 stable release is now available!
You can find the full release notes at
Some highlights from this release:
* Testing on immutable rootfs
High priority tests have been converted to preserve the base rootfs and
carry their dependencies in a self-contained bundle: this improves the
value of testing by keeping the tested system as close to the final one
and enables testing on systems with a immutable rootfs like the OSTree
* GPLv3 sources cleanup
Some contents covered by the GPLv3 have been removed by packages in the
target repository to make licensing scans easier. The involved GPLv3
code has never affected the binary artifacts in the images, but
removing it from the packages avoids a considerable amount of
* Full file and package lists for each artifact
Artifacts now come with metadata files listing shipped packages and
files to make checks and collecting statistics much easier/faster.
* Automatic updates on Phabricator about test failures in LAVA
Test failures are now automatically filed as task in Phabricator,
considerably reducing the amount of manual work.
* Dockerization of Jenkins jobs
Now all jobs run under Docker, massively improving their
reproducibility and providing more flexibility.
The full release notes contain more details about all the work that has
landed in this release:
Images are already available for download at
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Emanuele Aina