Hi Philip,
please find enclosed some answers in green After having done this iteration, I will now review the document an send afterwards some feedback.
Rgds Andre
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Philip Withnall [mailto:philip.withnall@collabora.co.uk] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. November 2015 11:46 An: Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) Andre.Barkowski@de.bosch.com; devel@lists.apertis.org Betreff: Re: AW: [Devel] Updated geolocation and navigation design document
Hi Andre,
On Mon, 2015-11-16 at 17:20 +0000, Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) wrote:
thx for the updated document. After having read the document and before I start providing deeper feedback, I was wondering about the UseCases covered in that document. We have used the pattern (from Usecases to Requirements, reflection of existing solutions and coming to a proposed approach) already multiple times, but this time I was really wondering, when do we pick up a use-case to be mentioned ?
That’s a good question. Picking up use cases seems to be the hardest part of producing these design documents. Personally, the way I have been doing it is to make up what I think are reasonable use cases for such a system (based on my experience of using similar systems), and to add in use cases I have received from other parties. When the document undergoes review (either internally or externally), I add more use cases extracted from the feedback, and iterate until everyone seems to be happy.
I am working on the assumption that if anybody spots a use case which is missing – or one which they think we should //not// design for – they will comment on that in their reviews.
Andre: ok
One of my primary intentions is to define the SDK-API. So from that point of view I reflect, what kind of use-case exists for a "non- navigation app" to deal with location based information (e.g. Weather, Hotels, etc). That’s an App-Developer point of view.
I was operating on the assumption that navigation apps would use the SDK (with the caveat that OEM-provided navigation apps may additionally use out-of-band data from OEM-specific APIs in the automotive domain). Is that not the case?
Andre: creating navi-apps from scratch (fully relying on SDK-API exposed functionalities) are not in focus. (I have send a separate mail for this topic)
Certainly, using my phone as an example, I have a variety of navigation apps available to download, all of which use the Android geo-APIs. Andre: There is eventually a certain level (functional scope) of navigation app achievable using exposed SDK-APIs with Backends based on cloud solutions deployed as default, but like said its simple not our focus. If someone is willing to create its own Navi-App cased on it, he is free to go for it. And he is also free to substitute functionality over time with build in ones, but we do not take care that its functionality is well done.
Another set of use-cases comes from flexibility in system setups, that’s influencing things behind the scene and is more a System Integrator point of view.
In contrast, I do _not_ take into account what an developer of a navigation App would like to do. That’s all internal stuff, without dependency to the SDK. I do have the feeling, there are uses cases included only relevant for Navigation internal implementation. Lets call them Navi-features. But I am not sure. Things like "Deviating off a navigation route", "Resuming a navigation route" or "cancelling a navigation route", aren't they full App-Internal ? Its seems to me like we would discuss that a phone call needs to have the capability to be canceled. That for sure right, but I miss why its important for our context.
These particular use cases were specifically aimed at navigation apps, yes. In this case I may have been too verbose, as those use cases did not translate into requirements for the routing API — they could be implemented entirely internally in a navigation app, as you say.
Andre: yes, but before we remove them lets reflect vice versa from LBS-App point of view, if this is scenario e.g. from consumer point of view which is worse to mention.
Or the description is misleading, e.g. an App would like to subscribe for a new route (for example caused by deviating off a navigation route, but also caused by other reasons like a new (intermediate) destination has been set). In that case the description / and the use case would more focus on consuming the new-route information and to generate some great service from it instead of "that the calculated route must be radically different", and "recalculation should happen within a short time period".
Hope you get what I mean.
Rgds Andre
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Devel [mailto:devel-bounces@lists.apertis.org] Im Auftrag von Philip Withnall Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. November 2015 17:40 An: devel@lists.apertis.org mailto:devel@lists.apertis.org Betreff: [Devel] Updated geolocation and navigation design document
Hi all,
Please find attached version 0.2.1 of the geolocation and navigation design document. This version incorporates feedback about swappable backends and the ability to back any of the APIs by an implementation in the automotive domain.
I have uploaded this version to the wiki as a draft. Further feedback is welcome and will be incorporated as normal.
https://wiki.apertis.org/File:Apertis-geolocation-navigation-design-0 .2 .1.pdf
Thanks, Philip