Hi Andre,
On Thu, 2016-02-04 at 09:56 +0000, Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) wrote:
since I still do not know where the blocking factor is let me give some range of feedback, maybe one hits the point
- Apps do not change the system scope, they do not install stuff
(e.g. backends) into the system. They may ship a backend, but all that belongs and gets installed to its black box environment. However, they may exposes data to some already available system service via some SDK-API.
We agree on this. The backends for the SDK route list API in my diagram are provided by application bundles.
- App UI (like "Fuel Station application UI" or "Navigation
UI") belongs the "application bundle"
We agree on this. I did not show that in the diagram in order to keep it legible.
- So the Navi is completely handled as a App-Bundle covering the
"Backend" (including route planning) as also the "UI" in its own black box.
We agree on this. Again, I did not show that in the diagram in order to keep it legible.
- since the "navigation UI" belongs the nav app-bundle, it is
directly connected to its backend The Navi UI can use whatever black-box internal ways to interact with its backend to create its UI. Same like for each other App-Bundle. The Navi is just another App. However, in addition its proprietary backend may exposes some data to a SDK-API service (route-list "horizon"), and the backend may also consumes aggregated data form (this) SDK-API service.
OK, I have noted the potential for an arbitrary connection between the navigation backend and navigation UI.
We agree on the rest: in the diagram, the ‘backend provided by navigation application bundle’ exposes data to the SDK route list API (which is actually a service/process — it’s a box in the diagram). It can also consume data from that API, although that’s not shown in the diagram. There is nothing to prevent that.
- its not like discussed for libchamplain or tts or other topics,
where the "backends" reside in the OS scope (functionality embedded in the OS). In these areas the backend of choice gest decided by the system integrator at point in time of product definition (it cannot be changed by the User). In contrast to that, for navi we enable flexibility during runtime. Installing an app changes the "backend used". So the Navi App Bundle ships the backend and its UI, but does not change installations in the OS. The App bundle exposes data to the SDK.Route List (Horizon) APIs to other Apps. So we shift the responsibility by keeping the app-centric approach - from the integrator to the user and from OS-scope to App-scope.
We agree on this.
- With that flexibility, the User has the option to decides for the
Navi of his choice.
We agree on this.
- if the backend is located in automotive domain, then this is
coupled/bundled with one (maybe build in) "Navi App".
We agree on this.
- The rout-list "horizon" API, is not primary used to create a User-
Interface for a "Navigation" Application, neither from other Apps nor from the App bundle who provides the "backend". The primary purpose for the route-list API "horizon" is _not_ to serve for the navigation build-in functionality. Its for location based services/Apps.
OK, I had been assuming it could be used for the navigation UI, but if the navigation UI and backend want to use an arbitrary connection to communicate routes, that’s fine (as agreed a few points above).
We agree on the fact that the SDK route list API (which you call ‘route-list API "horizon"’) is used for location-based services and applications.
- POIs transferred via the pipe mechanism lands in the App specific
local "database" (not directly at the UI), the App takes over the data responsibility/management, its like an import. The App decides about if and how to persistently store it, when to delete etc. These data runs like all the other local app data though its app-specific business logic / functionality. Its even possible that these data gets only consumed by some algorithms and never lands natively at the UI.
We agree on this, although I have not discussed the possibility of applications storing points of interest in an internal database. What applications do with points of interest once they have received them is up to the application developer — they can store the POIs in a database, display them directly in the UI without storage, or process them without ever putting them in a UI, as you say. That’s why I haven’t mentioned databases.
- think about a setup w/o any navigation installed. Then there is no
navi backend installed. Nevertheless, the is a route-list "horizon" API where Apps can consume data from and expose data to (accordant to their app internal functional scope).
We agree on this: the SDK route list API still exists even if no navigation applications are installed. As I said: it’s a service provided by the SDK (and hence is represented as a box in the diagram I sent). It can be running and providing the SDK route list API to applications and services even if no backends are available from navigation application bundles (or other bundles).
- It could even be the case that some Apps who are not being a
"navigation App" provide some most probable path information to the horizon. Its not a route -since no destination is set and even no navigation installed), but guessing about the way ahead. It could be limited in length (e.g. only until next intersection, or a little ahead of this with even multiple pathes from each intersection, etc). And this can also be added in case a route is given, adding more information about alternative links at intersection could be benefitail for some other Apps to know. So finally its not only POI.
We agree on this: such applications could provide a backend for the SDK route list API just like navigation application bundles can.
so some questions:
- which "component" represents the glue (the framework) between the
LBS-Apps (like Navi, Restaurants, Sightseeing, etc), to receive dedicated data from individual producers (LBS Apps), creates and maintains a combined data set, and deliver the data exposed as route- list "horizon" API to consumers (its not the "backend" located in the App Bundle if a a Navi App, this backend is itself a producer only) ?
This is a combination of the SDK route list API (and the service which provides it, which is part of the SDK and provided by Apertis), and the POI API with its peer-to-peer connections from any other application which provides a points of interest interface.
In the design as I see it, there is no ‘combined data set’: the SDK route list API service maintains the route list which has been set by one of its backends (with the backend chosen by the user; typically a navigation application bundle), but it does not combine different routes. It could provide multiple alternative routes from the different backends, although, I suppose.
The ‘combined data set’ of POIs is formed at each application where it receives POIs from other applications — in the diagram, this is where all the red arrow heads meet. The application may combine these POIs in a database, or do whatever else it likes with them. Typically, it would combine them with the planned navigation route, which it has received from the SDK route list API (via the yellow arrows in the diagram).
(Btw, a Navi Backend from a proprietary Supplier may do not has at all any of the capabilities needed to aggregate POI data from various sources into a combined set. )
In the design there is no need for the navigation backend to aggregate POI data — that is done by the applications which are consuming the POI data (the heads of the red arrows in the diagram).
- in which format/way gets this data forwarded to this component ? It
does not need to be the pipe based POI mechanism only because we have it. Geoclue also deals with coordinates and nevertheless uses another kind of API to exchange information with its backends. On top its not only POIs, ist also links(streets) etc to be provided to the "horizon" framework.
The design recommends (in §7.6 of version 0.3.1 of the design) a D-Bus interface for the SDK route list API which exposes each possible route as an array of (latitude, longitude) coordinates.
Are the areas in the diagram where I’ve highlighted components which have responsibility for making decisions correct, in your understanding? These are the blue circles in the diagram.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Philip Withnall [mailto:philip.withnall@collabora.co.uk] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2016 16:18 An: Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) Andre.Barkowski@de.bosch.com; dev el@lists.apertis.org Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [Devel] Updated geolocation and navigation design document
Hi Andre,
As far as I can tell, the design I suggested in my previous e-mail does match your requirements for which components have responsibility for different decisions or pieces of information: • Applications choose which POIs to advertise, and the navigation UI displays them unconditionally (subject to rate limiting) • The route list API is provided by the SDK, in the system, and supports multiple backends — the backend might be provided by the navigation application bundle, but might instead be in the automotive domain, or something else • The navigation UI is just another application, and has no special powers or functionality • Applications choose which waypoints to send to the route list API to be added into the route — this might result in the user being prompted ‘do you want to add this waypoint into your route’, or they might be added unconditionally
I have attached a diagram of the system as I described it in my previous e-mail, and have attempted to highlight all the data flows and the decisions which drive them. (Apologies for the crudeness of the drawing; I did it rapidly.)
Please could you take a look and see where our understandings differ, and highlight specifically what the differences are.
Thanks, Philip
On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 14:16 +0000, Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) wrote:
Hi Philip, Thanks for your answer, but we are still not on the same page. We talking about different things. There are other parts beside feature requirements which influence the decomposition. Its seems for me that you are focusing on features and if the design/decomposition proposed is able to realize it. My focus is alignment with app-centric design, so responsibilities & dependencies (I only use features to make things more clear). So if you are saying the design can provide the feature, then that’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about the design does not fit to the non-function requirements (app-centric solution). Parts of the functionality belongs to the wrong responsibility or we even do need to split an entity into parts to deploy the responsibility to different parties. Since we are iterating in cycles a little bit and I start to gets doubts about the efficiency of this kind of mail threads, let us limit the iterations. If within a few next ones we do not conclude, then lets have a call about it. But for now let me try to explain my intention again via email: So yes, one can technically pass everything through the navigation App, delivering all POIs to the App as also requesting a consolidated data from it. That’s possible. And the design is done in that way. And that’s not the way how it shall be. So its not the question if the current design can also realize the mentioned features. The POI mechanism defined already was motivation by the update of the navi-database with data needed for route calculation. Only for that purpose. So for now, please forget the POI mechanism defined already. Now we are talking about the “route list”. Maybe the naming is not beneficial, internally we typically use the term “horizon”. Its dedicated scope is to carry information related to the (expected) vehicle position, starting from the current location up to expected future positons. This is where the term route-list comes into the game. The goal now is to provide a framework, where all apps can consume data from for their internal processing as also provide data to this framework (to enrich it). This all is also valid w/o any route available. In that case the data focus more around the current vehicle position. It is even valid, if there is no navigation app installed at all. There is nevertheless the current geo position available (e.g. from geoclue, and maybe even only on WLAN based positioning so without any GPS solution, that doesn’t matter). The navigation App is just another App, optionally producing data to that framework and/or consuming data from it (e.g. the information about the current route, including its intermediate destinations etc). And it could even be that multiple Apps, dealing with most probable pathes exposes information to this horizon (not only the Navi App currently maintaining the active route). The framework is completely independent of the developer of a particular Navigation App, this solutions is completely out of the scope/responsibility of the navigation provider. It belongs to the system, the OS. And yes, intermediate destinations are provided and handled by a navigation app, again via another mechanism (the scheme mechanisms, not the POI one). And if a new intermediate destination has been defined via this way, and the route has been updated, then the navi app can expose it to the said horizon framework. And another App can consume this new information about an intermediate destination for their scope and may also add new data to this framework accordingly. So what I am asking for is, to keep the POI mechanism as a way of choice for database updates, and to add an additional framework – which we can call “horizon” or something else - where Apps can produce data to as also consume data from it. The Navi App shall be able to provide its route list information to it and update it. Rgds Andre -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Philip Withnall [mailto:philip.withnall@collabora.co.uk] Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Februar 2016 18:27 An: Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) Andre.Barkowski@de.bosch.com; dev el@lists.apertis.org Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [Devel] Updated geolocation and navigation design document Hi Andre, Replies inline. I’ve trimmed a few of the parts of the e-mail which we agree on. On Tue, 2016-01-26 at 13:03 +0000, Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) wrote:
However, my understanding of https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest design is, that only
control flow runs via a central SDK service, but if allowed it establishes a private point-to-point channel (pipe) between
App and consumer App (w/o any SDK service inbetween anymore). With that, the content itself (the POIs) are untouched form the so
"central POI service", the POIs are neither stored/cached, nor distributed by them. With that, the "SDK-Service" (central POI service) does _not_ return points of interest like restaurants, filling stations and tourist attractions. As also there is no capability to define filters in that request, since in an app-
approach the policies are belonging to the Source/Producer App. The SDK service itself only establishes private point to point connections.
That is correct. I guess when I’ve been saying ‘POI service’ or ‘POI system’ from the point of view of an application which is consuming POI data (such as the navigation UI, or another application which needs to display POIs), I would consider the ‘POI service/system’ to be the set of all applications which are providing POIs over peer-to-peer connections.
• Route list: a list of objects which describe the route for a navigation, i.e. the roads to take; this might include alternative routes; it _does_ include Point objects like intermediate destinations on the route so there are point type objects already included in that structure
also attributes/metadata for each object for further details.
Yes, although the metadata is limited to a description for the location and what type of point it is (start, waypoint, waypoint which is for routing only and isn’t a destination, final destination).
Please note, that the navigation "route-list" is something
than the navigation "guidance". The guidance focus on detailed description of turns ahead, the route-list has a different focus
describes the complete trip. So that’s 2 APIs and different structures/objects. I would recommend to adopt the document accordingly.
Noted — I will include this in the next update to the document.
And what I am talking about now is, that apps shall be able to augment the route list returned by the SDK-API . The route list exposed via the route-list SDK-API for sure gets provided (and updated) by the navigation app (somehow similar like it can do it
the geo-position to geo-clue), but Apps can augment data to it. The APIs realizing this capability have second priority for me, but nevertheless I like to cover it right from the beginning from conceptual point of view. With "create some functionality" I do mean the samples provided to explain use-cases where Apps consume and augment POIs to the route list: - a Weather App may consumes Intermediate Destination Information from Route List to show entries on top of the user stored locations in its UI to inform the User about weather at this places
- a gasoline station app adds a refueling stop into the route
list for a location to be reached at a time where the car runs low on
- a restaurant app may uses information of gasoline stations in
the route list to add recommended cafeterias into the route list to
the breaks for the driver
- a restaurant app may decides to add restaurant POIs as
recommendations into the route list for a location to be reached at
time where a break would be wise
- a installed “coupon” app may add available discounts available
POI location available in route list. The major thing is, in an app centric approach, the policies are coupled with the source of the data. Its _not_ the navigation app which orchestrates the other apps - like in a systemic client-
model, what to deliver. This limits the capabilities to fantasy provided by the navigation app developer as also his capabilities
development work. In an app-centric approach its completely vice versa, each app focus on its essential service, a navigation calculates the route. That’s it. And a restaurant app deals the
and handles all policies and User Interaction to choose/handle
even though they may finally gets used to set a new destination or they land in the route list.
OK. I think this fits with my proposed design and the Points of Interest design as they currently stand, although I should clarify things. The route list API continues to provide only the list of roads to take (i.e. the geometry of the route) as I described in my previous e- mail. Applications which provide POIs query this API to find out the current route, as described in the fourth paragraph of https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest#Recommendations. The navigation UI uses interface discovery to find applications which provide POI data. It then queries them (via peer-to-peer connections) for general and specific POIs, as described in the POI design. Its shall not be the responsibility of the Navigation to requests it/or not. Its done by the Providing Apps autonomously. It shall not depend on the code (responsibility) of the navigation App at all if this The logic for working out what POIs to send to the navigation UI lies within each application. The navigation UI does no filtering based on content (though for security reasons it might want to apply some rate limiting to prevent DoS attacks). It simply displays all the POIs it receives. It might be possible for an application to add metadata to a POI it sends to the navigation UI to say ‘please add this POI as a waypoint’, in which case the navigation UI could prompt the user about it (or add the destination anyway, or ignore it — this policy is up to the navigation UI developer). If the POI is added as a waypoint in the route, the SDK route list API would signal an update to the route, which would be received by the navigation UI and all applications providing POIs to it. This would allow for the coupon use case — if a restaurant gets added as a waypoint, the coupon application could start emitting a POI for using coupons there. If another application wants to display the same map view as the navigation UI, showing the route and POIs on it, it has to make the same API calls as the navigation UI: a call to the SDK route list API to get the route; and interface discovery followed by peer-to-peer retrieval of POIs from other applications. So, in short, the ‘augmented route list’ is provided by a combination of the route list API and the POI system (i.e. retrieving POIs from other applications using peer-to-peer connections). I hope that makes sense? Philip
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Philip Withnall [mailto:philip.withnall@collabora.co.uk] Gesendet: Montag, 25. Januar 2016 15:56 An: Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) Andre.Barkowski@de.bosch.com;
el@lists.apertis.org Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: [Devel] Updated geolocation and navigation design document Hi Andre, On Fri, 2016-01-22 at 17:16 +0000, Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) wrote:
Hi Philip, I feel we are still not fully on the same page. We closed some
lately (in regard to the assist-window), but it seems to me that
still have a gap in regard to POI handling itself. So summarize, let me go one step back and start with - POI service is _not_ equal to route-list. I am talking about a route list, you are talking about a central
To check, what do you mean by the terms ‘POI service’ and ‘route list’? I interpret them as: • POI service: an SDK service which returns points of interest
restaurants, filling stations and tourist attractions • Route list: a list of points which describe the plotted route
a navigation, i.e. the roads to take; this might include alternative routes; it does not include nearby POIs Andre: hope this is answered above
Let me add: - we do _not_ need a central POI service, or vice versa I
not aware about a related requirement.
All suggestions I have made about POI handling in the context of
Geolocation and Navigation document have been references to the existing https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest design. I am
suggesting changes to that design, nor am I suggesting copying
of it into this design (or any of the navigation APIs). Andre: I see.
We do have the already mentioned 3 Use cases and the mechanisms discussed covers the use-cases already perfectly
- for in app UI browsing: libchamlain. We have it, fine.
- for app import / handover: Pull mode for various types of
– also TPEG based POI data - https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest (For completion there is also a push mode for various types of content – so far no need for TPEG support - https://wiki.apert is
/Data_sharing ) again, we have it designed already.
- now we add the route-list to the SDK-API, where I also ask
to provide capabilities to add POIs to it (independent from the
I think this is covered by the SDK navigation route guidance API (§7.6 of version 0.3.1 of the document), if we are using the same meaning for ‘route list’ (see above). Andre: see above, I think we do need 2 API scopes, one for “route- list” one for “guidance”
In any case we do need the route list, it has originally nothing
do with the POI discussion. Apps shall be able to consume
about the current route and to create some functionality. That
purpose of the route list essentially.
What do you mean by ‘create some functionality’? In the design as it stands currently, applications cannot augment
route list returned by the SDK navigation route guidance API. They can augment the list of POIs returned by the POI API (https://wiki.ap er
s. org/Points_of_interest). Andre: see above, I do mean things like that - a Weather App may consumes Intermediate Destination Information from Route List to show entries on top of the user stored locations in its UI to inform the User about weather at this places
- a gasoline station app adds a refueling stop into the route
list for a location to be reached at a time where the car runs low on
- a restaurant app may uses information of gasoline stations in
the route list to add recommended cafeterias into the route list to
the breaks for the driver
- a restaurant app may decides to add restaurant POIs as
recommendations into the route list for a location to be reached at
time where a break would be wise
- a installed “coupon” app may add available discounts available
POI location available in route list.
Based on that scope, I am asking for the additional functionality
add Metadata/Content from Apps directly to it, especially POIs.
neither a first priority nor will it dramatically change the
Its simple an add-on. We can even decide to implement it later.
For clarity, which API do you mean by ‘it’? Andre: I do mean the capability for Apps to augment POIs into the Route-List
Similar stuff is valid for the guidance & assist window
The APIs for the “guidance” (which is “just another notification style API for a dedicated purpose”) as also the assist window
is just another system chrome application where for example the
exposed via the guidance notification style SDK-API lands in) are optional and don’t have side effects to other SDK-APIs. So we can implementation wise realize it in a later step, its not of first priority. However, I like to have a common understanding about
overall scope early. If we provide capabilities to add metadata into an available
list to Apps, other Apps (than the navi app) can add additional content/ additional metadata to available content, for example
into a currently shared route list. Since we have already libchamplain and also the Point_of_interest and sharing
design, My focus is on just one more method for that route- list.
_not_ talking about any big thing, especially not about a central
service. I would like to propose we serialize the discussion. How about
finalizing the solution for the route list, including POIs into
from Apps via an SDK API. Then reflect, for what a central POI service could be beneficial
I have embedded some comments below in green.
I’ve put a few replies below too.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Philip Withnall [mailto:philip.withnall@collabora.co.uk] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016 16:57 An: Barkowski Andre (CM-CI1/PRM1) <Andre.Barkowski@de.bosch.com
el@lists.apertis.org Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: [Devel] Updated geolocation and
design document
Please keep also in mind, that the navigation app itself is
special in regard to their output. Beside provides some UI to
its functions like all the other apps (e.g. media player), the
guidance” information is very special. In addition to a black
build-in solution for the route guidance - like all the
Smartphone solutions realizing today – (on prompt the guidance
only acoustic or an app-change transition to the navigation app appears) we will go a step forward for this driver related information. The guidance will be presented to the user
of the current App in use in foreground. So you can “leave” the
app but the guidance shall continue. In fact we influence the internal design by requesting an agent to be provided by the
developer to deliver these data. And that’s not only an
prompt, its also data which gets finally a visual
(turn icons, lane information, etc). In this approach via an
the rendering gets done by some system service. Its more like a “notification”/“dialog-box”/“status framework” stuff (please
look to the running status framework and the relation to assist framework too). So the navigation App provides its data as
some SDK-API. In fact part of this is the route list, which
land in that guidance dialog. Lets call it assistance window –
related information.
I see. The way I would recommend doing this in the design is to implement the guidance UI separately from the navigation UI. It
potentially be part of the same application bundle, or part of a different one, or even implemented as part of the system chrome. Andre: to be honest, this all is optional. A navi app developer
decide to implement the guidance in its local app-bundle scope.
the UI appears within its own App Screen Area. However, since it is beneficial (independent from the POI or
Window Discussion) that the guidance portion is separated from
rest of the full-fledge App (because it enables us to handle a separated executable with its own lifecycle, which means we can
only that part running in background instead of the Full App) we should ask for an Agent for it. The App developer can decide to
or not. So the requirement for isolating the Guidance into an
is already valid w/o all the discussion about POIs and/or Assist Window. On top of that we like to also support an assist window solution
part of our system. Therefore we will provide a notification
similar API for driver related information. Guidance data will be covered by it, and if a Navi App developer decided to use this
API, the guidance information will land there (but also
from route list will land in such an assist window). Similar like mentioned above, we like to ask the developer to provide an agent
the guidance data. However, the assist window (the UI for the guidance) is finally a system chrome element and not deployed
the App bundle. It belongs to the OS and gets distributed with
OK, we would have to add a separate SDK API for handling guidance notifications, similar to the existing
API for handling other notifications from applications. I will include a recommendation for that in the next update to the document. Andre: agreed
The guidance UI would take data from the SDK points of interest
and from the SDK navigation route guidance API (§7.6). This would allow it to render the route (from the guidance API), and points of interest along the way (from the PoI API). The navigation UI (where the driver chooses their destination and plans the route) may retrieve points of interest from the SDK, or may choose not to if the developer thinks they will be distracting. i.e. The SDK API you are suggesting for the data from the
is effectively the points of interest API plus the navigation
guidance API. Andre: like said, its not the “points_of_interest” API, its from
route-list API.
To this route list, other apps can directly add further data.
_not_ forwarded to the navi-app, it does not modify the route
nor does it gets stored by the navi-app. The navi app don’t has
interest in getting and managing it. This data, gets provided
source app to the rout–list and with that finally rendered to
user by some system service (assist window). On the other hand,
apps can consume this enriched route list again for their
functions and policies. Its all outside the navigation, the
provides the initial foundation.
That’s possible due to the split between the navigation UI and
guidance UI. The navigation UI can choose to not query for points
interest, or can heavily filter the PoI requests it makes. Conversely, the guidance UI can query for lots of PoIs. If other applications want to display something similar to the guidance UI, they must make the same navigation route guidance API and PoI
queries as made by the guidance UI. This should be simple to do,
allows each application to further customise the points of
they display. Andre: to be honest, the use-cases behind that stuff is _not_ that
app will do something similar like the guidance UI.
Sorry, when I said “if other applications want to display something similar to the guidance UI” I meant something more like “if other applications want to display the current route, or the current
plus nearby POIs”. Andre: I would expect this is build-in behind the scene into libchamplain. So by using libchamplain, Apps get this information already embedded. Similar like they get the current vehicle
(from geoclue) already well embedded into libchamplain. The
for Apps to use route list information is the stuff mentioned
Let me repeat to prevent misunderstanding: - a Weather App may consumes Intermediate Destination Information from Route List to show entries on top of the user stored locations in its UI to inform the User about weather at this places
- a gasoline station app adds a refueling stop into the route
list for a location to be reached at a time where the car runs low on
- a restaurant app may uses information of gasoline stations in
the route list to add recommended cafeterias into the route list to
the breaks for the driver
- a restaurant app may decides to add restaurant POIs as
recommendations into the route list for a location to be reached at
time where a break would be wise
- a installed “coupon” app may add available discounts available
POI location available in route list.
Other Apps uses information form that API for their essential service, e.g. if an App of a weather service does know
destinations from the route list, it may decides to show entries
top of the stored locations for current destination and
destinations (in todays list you have the current positon for
as a default, this app could extend that approach depending on
from the route list). Or if a gasoline station app adds a refueling stop into the route list for a location to be reached at a time where the car runs
fuel, a restaurant app may uses this information to add
cafeterias into the route list to align the breaks for the
Or if a restaurant app decides to add restaurant POIs as recommendations into the route list for a location to be reached
time where a break would be wise, a installed “coupon” app may
available discounts available at this location. etc.
I don’t think I can fully understand these points without agreeing
the terminology at the top of the e-mail. Andre: ok, hope my comments given where helpful in that regard. In the current version of the design, these use cases are handled
• The gasoline station application exposes gasoline stations as points of interest via the POI API (https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_i nt
es t). • The restaurant application exposes restaurants as points of interest via the POI API (https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest). • The navigation application contains the logic to: - Detect where in the route the vehicle is likely to need refuelling, query the POI API (https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest) for gasoline stations, and add them to the route. - Detect when in the route the driver is likely to need food,
the POI API (https://wiki.apertis.org/Points_of_interest) for restaurants, and add them to the route. I can’t think of a sensible way of handling coupons at the moment. They don’t really fit into any of the existing APIs. The design is this way round, rather than allowing the restaurant
gasoline applications to ‘insert’ recommendations into the route
because it leaves the navigation application in charge of which restaurants (for example) are shown. It means the code for determining when is ‘a good time to stop for food’ is in one place (the navigation application) rather than many (each restaurant application), each
which could end up using different definitions of when is ‘a good time to stop for food’ in order to gain competitive advantage. Andre: like said above, the design philosophy is an app-centric solution is, to bundle the policy / logic within the provider app.
its not one central intelligence, orchestrating all others, its
versa all the others are providing things accordant to their implemented logic. Apps can compete in providing the same service with another policy or using another service with a similar policy. The user decides by choosing the App which fits best his needs. And he can do in the smallest granularity, per App . So he is able to adopt the overall solution by making dedicated decisions per source (App). (Above, I am using ‘navigation application’ to mean the entire navigation application bundle, including any UIs, agents, or
which it provides.) Philip